Memories Worth Remembering


10 Faces LLC is a passionate team of people who find inspiration in creating and capturing the beauty of life’s happy memories. In doing so we provide event Planning and event Hosting services. We offer clients opportunities to book vacations at exclusive resort locations aiding in accomplishing desirable moments.

10 Faces LLC offers Coaching for – mindset, wellness, image, personal development, travel, and style.
Our clients experience financial gain as well as positive impacts on staff and family members by method of coaching.
Service offered online and selective locations.

10 FACES LLC is the parent company.
We are purposely designed with sub divisions to help us create and capture those memorable moments. “Faces of Happy Memories” is the goal. Each time giving a renewed meaning behind “The full picture” of Ten Faces.

🤩 DarknessSparks 🎼 Artist 💫 Showcase 🌟

The company we keep

WhatThaHay Shop – is an online/pop-up and private consignment treasure gallery. All brands and merchandise associated with 10 Faces LLC is displayed for offer at the shop.
Visit the store for treasures un🤩seen.

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